10 Colorful Portfolios from Top Designers
If you get bored with white or light background of your portfolio, here are 10 top design portfolios that inspire you to establish your new color identity.
1. Brian Lee
Brian is a product designer at Spotify.
2. Adam Brooks
Adam is a Product designer based in NYC specializing in Visual and Interaction Design.
3. Robin Man
Robin Man is a freelance designer based at New York.
4. Riccardo Zanutta
Riccardo Zanutta is a 22-year-old Italian Freelance Front-end developer.
5. Lorenzo Verzini
Lorenzo Verzini is an Italian designer & art director living in London, working in the field for more than 9 years. I create digital branding experiences for small and big companies.
6. Adé Hogue
Adé Hogue is a designer & adventurer based in Chicago, IL.
7. Hélène Chataigner
Hélène is an Amsterdam based French designer working on art direction, digital design and brand identity.
8. Peter Tait
Peter is currently based in Bath working as a freelance multifunctional designer and front-end developer. Previously a Senior UI/UX Designer at pebble {code}.
9. Sebastiaan de With
Freelance designer, photographer, motorcycle traveler. Designer of Halide.
10. Jared Granger
Jared Granger is a senior designer and art director focused on visual branding at InVision.
More design portfolio inspirations? Check out our website at bestfolios.com.